
My thoughts about hyped up books (see Hunger Games) also account for the Twilight books. But since I decided I would get over my prejudges I also read the twilight book. Though I am definitely not a fan of the vampires that sparkle in the sun, I must say I do not hate this book as much as I thought I would. Did I love it? No. But did it make me want to gouge my eyes out? No. I am going to have to say that this was not a book I would read with the multitude of the Harry Potter series (10 times and counting), but it had its moments.

I have watched the film before I read this book, out of pure curiosity. This kind of ruined my whole take on the story. A socially awkward girl moving to the town of Forks, just to be swept of her feet by an impossible romance just seemed a little too simple for me. The fact that the main character (Isa)Bella Swan is portrayed by none other than Kirsten Steward did not really help the story grow on me. Kirsten Steward is the kind of actress I get annoyed with very easily. The nervous ticks, constant playing with her hair, stammering and mumbling all of her lines are just a few points that really threw the film off for me.

For this very reason I was surprised that the main character did not annoy me as much as she did. I liked the book-Bella a lot better as the film-Bella.  The idea of the story is not an original one, though it has included some surprising elements. The new girl idea who is fawned over by all guys in her new town is sort of a cliché.

Another thing I find very strange, is the fact that nobody ever seemed to notice something weird about the whole family. If they went through all four years of high school, how could nobody have noticed the whole family did not change one bit? How could they have not noticed how cold and hard they were? This really should have attracted some attention. Especially when the whole clan disappears when the sun is remotely shining. Which is another fact I find quite astonishing. Apparently the sun never as much as shimmers though the thick clouds that lay over Forks. Not one ray of sun, unless it is expected.

For the first half of the book I was also quite bored with the book. But the book started to spike my interest after the chapter ‘The Game’. After the baseball game the 1 of the 3 vampires (James, the tracker) really wants Bella. I found that this part of the book was actually very well written and was portrayed very badly in the film. This intrigued me and caused me to be more interested in the story. I do think the way Bella feels about Edward is the way young adults feel about their first (mutual) love. They cannot imagine being with anyone else and, literally, want to spend the rest of their lives with the object of their affection. Though I do think the delusion of actually doing so is actually quite a mistake. I think youth literature should not only be for entertainment purposes, but also for some practical life lessons. Kids should know they do not always get their happy ending, no matter how much they want to. I have seen some young girl who completely lost it because of this book. They actually started to believe in the existence of vampires, and are desperately hoping for one to sweep them of their feet and give them eternal life with them. This is insane! There are some positive messages in this book though, such as: Love conquers all, be loyal to your family and friends, etc. I guess you could say that sort of balances the book out, but I do not know if I am completely sold on this book…

But even so, after the ending on book one, I could not help but read the second book. After this I read the 3rd and 4th book to. I had the time to do so because I read this book during the summer break. As I mentioned before, I am not the biggest fan but I do find the books enjoyable. Just to read something different from my usual stuff.

In class we discussed the idea of the first love genre. We had to discuss if the first love described was realistic. I am quite divided on this subject. I find that the first love described is a lot like you very first love. Completely drawn to someone, thinking he is the one and you will always stay together, willing to give up anything for him… Sounds like a first romance to me! But on the other hand the story is as unnatural as can be. Bella does not have any choice in falling for him, because everybody does. Because ‘Everything about him invites her in’…